Tuesday, November 22, 2011

PaRanoid Economy

Recession may have struck European markets but India is still on the safer zone making the PR industry bolstering high. Experts forecast as advertising budget is drastically cut down the role of PR has been focused in picture than ever. There might a bad hair day but recession has increased corporate demand of PR and now the analysts think PR has become an “organizing principle” behind decision making. In today’s time PR is more personalized than ever. Being a progressive and ever evolving field, PR & Corporate Communications have done wonders in terms of crisis management.

As a PR person and Social Media maven I believe PR’s role has taken forefront and due to low cash flows and diversified budgets to pain areas, the focus of companies have shifted from spending on advertising to maintaining their public image in long run and win the investors’ confidence.  Now companies are making proactive strategies with the help of PR and corporate communications. Addressing the public immediately is a step forward to reduce damage to the image of the company as rumours can be more fatal then the truth. And this is where the PR people step in coordinating with the media and aligning a favourable coverage which can process a better and improved image of the company.

The primary concern for any PR agency is to maintain their standard. A good internal communications plan can diffuse the tension, reassure doubts, or at the very least, keep people in the loop about what’s happening.PR has also benefited from the changing media landscape. If a company launches an effective marketing campaign or a shrewd, targeted public relations campaign not only will that company thrive as others wither, but they will be ahead of the pack and powerfully positioned to grow and succeed once the economy begins its upswing.

The key during recession is to implement SMART marketing.

M-Maintain market spend
A-Assess and allocate budget
R-Research your customer thoroughly
T-Target and reach out to them

Procter & Gamble pushed their Ivory soap during recession through immense media presence and unique PR campaigns

Intel during 1991 economic difficulty came up with new branding strategies and creating a wave with “Intel Inside” campaigns which is case study of recession in management colleges.

Wal-Mart launched their “Every Day Low Prices” campaign in 2000-2001 which is running till now with a great success rate giving huge profits to the retail giant.

With online media increasing its presence big time in India, companies are now seeking Social Media as their major tool to curb and resolve budget problems during recession. Facebook and twitter being a great interactive platform are attracting more brands and companies to create their presence on these social networking sites. The future of PR is still and will even grow with time and as the Social Media is adding to PR’s advantage it will run in mainstream marketing soon.